What Would Clint Eastwood Do?
I ask myself this question whenever I'm at a crossroads. Inspired by his role as the Man with No Name in Sergio Leone's Dollar's Trilogy, I respect the character's ability to walk into any situation strapped and able. The man may not have a name, but he always wins and perseveres. If that's not badass improvisation that commands respect, I don't know what does.
Taking this example, I left my life in California and moved to New York in pursuit of a creative career. Between staying stuck in paradise at a startup job in San Francisco and jumping ship to America's City of Dreams in New York, the choice was clear. Clint Eastwood doesn't seem like the type to play it safe and funny enough, neither do I.
Christine currently seeks representation from the right agency.
UX | UI Design

An app to increase patronage at a San Franciscan tiki bar.


An in-app widget concept to coordinate plans with friends and family.

Communication Strategy
Survivor Advocacy
Impactful documents utilizing effective design and messaging to emphasize the importance of survivor-centered investigative practices within the NYPD's Special Victims Unit.

Web3 Journalism
An article written for Leyline about it's Proof of Good DAO on Mirror.xyz, a decentralized blockchain and crypto-based publishing platform that allows writers to crowdfund projects through the sale of NFTs and help creators connect with their target audiences.

Crisis Management
Crucial documents that cultivated trust and retained business partnerships through effective design, business strategy, and copywriting during the onset of the COVID-19.